Sunday, December 26, 2021

Year End Reflections


This year ended much like it began. I took a sunny solo hike up Mount Sugarloaf, to gaze over the Connecticut River Valley, and now reflect on the year I have had. 

More water under the (covered) bridge.

Heath, MA

Island Pond, VT

Conway, MA

I bought a few guitars, to keep a song close to my heart

I started playing shows for people again. Indoors as well as out.

I also managed to see a few shows as well.

And while there was time, a few vacations to places within easy enough reach.

Alton Bay, New Hampshire

Northeast Kingdom, Vermont


and Providence (Twice)

So, I guess this year turned out okay. Took advantage of the time when I had it to go places, and play shows when I was able to.

 I hope 2022 will build upon the positives compared to the year before. I hope everyone has the same good fortune as well.

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