Saturday, January 13, 2024

Walk The Walk

Last year, I made a New Year's resolution to do more exercise. I went for extended walks if the conditions allowed it. 

During the Pandemic, I was shut in and not doing much. As a result, I gained a few unwanted pounds. I walked most of it off. But Spring and Summer came, and it was either too buggy, too hot, or I was suffering from assorted seasonal allergies. I ended up almost back where I started.

But I kept at it from late Fall into the the year's end, and am doubling down on things for 2024.


Monday, January 8, 2024

Brand New Oldies


Celebrated a New Year at the Aqua Turf with my girlfriend, and had a wonderful time. Stayed overnight at a brand spanking newly remodeled Holiday Inn. New Years resolution of mine was to finish recording some original songs we wrote during the pandemic. I recorded the basics at home, but would prefer cutting the vocals in a more professional environment with another set of ears and more expensive recording gear.

Having bought a very sweet Jazzmaster a few months ago has further opened up my playing, and old songs sound new to me now. I have about 60 originals, including the 10 I'm looking to complete. I may re-record some of my other songs in the basement. I have the Saskatchewan/Stegner album, as well as my Alt-Country project, and some assorted Rock & Popo tunes I need to sort through and decide what fits and what sounds too dated (they all sound pretty damn old to me!)