Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Angles of Repose

A change of sorts has been taking place during this now 14 week stretch of barely working and mostly staying at home.

Even though I only managed one paying gig in April and nothing in May, June has produced two paying events, and hopefully July shall provide a few more on top of that. My full time band had all of its shows scrapped until sometime at Summer's end, because of one of the members needing an operation. Actually, a good time to rest and recover for him, and hopefully, by the Fall, we will be ready to go back at it again.

14 weekly shows with my partner has been a wonderful creative escape, and we learned many new songs, we may have never gotten around to otherwise. It forced us to work on our act, so to speak.

If you want to find out if two people are really compatible together, put stay at home orders on them, and see how it goes.

I've started looking at life differently over this time. Still missing my father, but relieved he is no longer suffering. It was very hard to watch both of my parents slowly deteriorate over the past 10 years. 

I enjoy my current state of mind, and look forward to seeing where it goes. I anticipate more positive changes this summer, and am striving for a few more goals as well.

Good things might come out of all this sorrow.

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