Sunday, May 31, 2020

Beginning to See The Light

Many things have changed.

Many things remain unchanged.

Now entering our 12th week of stay at home orders.

Where is home?

What is home?

I live between two worlds, but I know the road is always going forward.

In this case, Northward.

At the end of the day, I always travel this beautiful back road that takes me away from the past and into the present. I'm always so struck by the aging rural landscape, and it coexists with the residential plots that slowly take over farmland. I can't blame people for liking the view, and for the sellers knowing the value of this region. At least a few farms on this stretch still exist. Some larger than others, but nice to see on the drive that takes me to the present.

I often stop at this point at stare at the sign, and ponder the crossing that exists.

I never drove these backroads before, and so they mean something different.


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