It still is a great place to relax and focus on the being in the moment. I think about where I've been all these years, and the constant moving around. Finally settling in Western Massachusetts and putting down some roots.
After it all, the little place in Little Rhodey has remained. I thought I would share this with someone this year, and show them where I find my peace and solitude. It only takes me a 2 hour drive to get into the moment. 2019 has been all about living in the Moment. Having been through everything imaginable last year. January is behind me, and even though the cold and the snow is not over by any means, I come down here and the ground is free of any frozen precipitation.
I'm okay with that.
February will fly by, March will drag on, and before we know it, April and Spring will be upon us. I'm ready for that. But in the meantime, getting through the Winter, finding new challenges for the new year, and expanding my horizons are all part of my wishes to accomplish. Living in the Moment doesn't mean Staying in the Moment. It was nice to be here just for a little while.