Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I've Got a Bike

 about 25 years ago, I bought a used Hybrid Mountain Bike at a yard sale for $45. It needed new tires and it was starting to rust. I cleaned it up, oiled the chain, bought new tires, a new seat, and grips for the handlebars. I then rode the thing all over Centeral and Western Mass for the next 20 years. During my divorce several years ago, I made the mistake of leaving it out in the rain, and it quickly reverted back to its former state. The tires were mostly worn out as well, so I was going to need a replacment. I recently found a refurbished bike of similar style online for $175 and I was back in the swing of things. I rode around the farm roads near our house, but craved a longer rouute. Turns out there is a 3.7 mile long path that starts on the other side of town. 

On the Deerfield side of the rail trail, I found a small parking area near an active rail yard, and got things started. It didn't take long before things got interesting.

Constructed on a former train bridge built in 1880, I crossed the Connecticut River where it meets the Deerfield River.

After crossing the river I passed a few farms and some mixed residential and Industrial areas, then I was back on the trail on the other side of the hydro electric dam.

 I was now biking along a large pond like basin between the canal and the dam, where I watched a few swans as well as a cormarant and a blue heron.

After a mile, things narrowed into the canal, and the current started picking up. Factory buildings started to appear. Some of them dormant 

slated to be demolished in the near future, which will open up more space for recreation.

And then I reached the end, at the Great Fall s Discovery Center in Turners Falls. Where I turned around and completed my round trip. I look forward to this new routine for as long as the weather conditions allow it.

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