Saturday, September 19, 2020

Frost Advisory

 It turned chilly up in Northern Vermont during our brief visit. Waking up in Greensboro, it was in the 30s and time to checkout. The sun came out and it warmed up enough to go for a drive to Lake Willoughby. 

It may have warmed up to the mid '60s, and although there were no clouds in the sky, an odd haze existed. Turns out it was from the wildfires out West and they have drifted all the way over here.

You can see how there was still a glare in the picture I took below.

We took a drive down the east side of Lake Willoughby, with its amazing cliffs. 

Robert Frost wrote about this area when he stayed here, and the Willoughvale Inn has a year round cabin called The Frost Cabin. 

Guess that is where I am going next.

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