Thursday, October 17, 2024

Fall Feels (Part Four)


A week after first discovering this new to me bikepath, I was back for more of it!

This time, I explored the southern half of it, in the town of Cheshire, and riding alongside the Cheshire Reservoir, with peak Fall foliage in the background.

The relection off the still waters and clear blue sky made for even more colors to come out.

I encountered something very cheesy near the center of town.

I managed to bike all the way north to the spot I previously turned aroiund from last week, so the majority of the path has been done. I probably did about 3 miles of the 7 mile rail trail. Really about the prettiest I have ever seen. The hills of Western Mass are a sight in the fall.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Fall Feels (Part Three)

 Went for yet another stroll past the cornfields and down the hill to capture some foliage pictures.

The neighborhood looks wonderful this time of year.

at the beginning of my walk, I saw this huge cloud on the horizon, and back home I spotted a flock of geese flying over the house.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Fall Feels (Part Two)

 October has settled in, and with it Fall Allergies.

I feel like Migraine Boy

But it hasn't stopped me from my Fall activities, which include biking new trails.

The Ashuwillticook trail runs from the center of Adams and goes all the way to Pittsfield. That was way farther than I was willing to go at 3PM on a chilly day, but it was still pretty, and a pretty good workout, as I went into the neighboring town of Cheshire and back.

I almost made it to the center of town and the Cheshire resevoir, and could see the part that drains into the Hoosic River.

 The fat tires on my hybrid mountain bike make it fairly slow going on pavement, so I turned back, and set my sights on another day to explore the southern half of the bikepath. But it was a good run on a very nice route that runs beside the river all the way.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Fall Feels (Part One)


Another summer has passed by watching the seasons turn while walking these paths. It's incredible to watch how fast corn grows, and then it's all gone! So much of it becomes a barren, muddy field. I watched a pair of kestrels today. Yesterday, a hot air balloon was in the distance near the holyoke range.

There are runoff streams that empty into the farmlands, and also a small kettle pond that empties into a swamp that feeds Bloody Brook. 

The trees in the distance here are the section where the wetlands are, before it flows under the highway and into town.

All of it ultimately reaches the nearby Connecticut River, and the Mill River that ends in Hatfield VIA Whately.