Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Spring into Summer


The clouds that gather around this time in the upper valley are quite majestic. 

I sat on the back deck, watching them come from the northwest.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Shore Leave


I found myself in Fort Meyers, Florida for the first time last month. Having never seen the Gulf of Mexico before. My girlfriend's father had recently passed, and we were there for both a small memorial service, and to bring his belongings back home to Massachusetts.

Her family was very gracious, and I enjoy their company. They made me feel very comfortable and welcome. The following day, we loaded some furniture and music gear into a moving van and drove back home. Stopping first in Saint Augustine.

After that, it was all business. A very long drive from Fayetteville, NC to home took over 15 hours. I knew it was going to be a rough go of it, but in the end it wasn't so bad. Plus it was in honor of someone I wish I had met, but COVID put a lot of restrictions on where we could go and see. His musical instruments are with us now, and part of him remains. I look forward to returning in the winter next year.