2022 Started playing to a large festive indoor crowd. Something unheard of the past few years. But then I was thrust into the bleak winter slowly getting back to normal playing wise. I got COVID by the end of January I recovered very quickly, and was back at it a week later.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Catch 22 (Reflections)
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Shadows (and Light)
I wrote a bunch of original songs over the past 10 years, as part of home studio projects. But then home ended up moving, and I ended up having to start over at a great deal of things. But I managed to write several new originals (in varying styles) which I am now recording in a basement with a drum kit, some cool guitars and small amps.
"12 Miles" is a love song about how I would drive from my house to my girlfriend's house. "12 Miles, 3 Exits and 17 minute drive".
On the other hand, "Unfriended" is definitely about a person. Although it could be about any person with social issues. Rockabilly Boogie. Snotty vocals and heavy guitars.
Bobby Bare JR with The Beat Farmers.
"Bottle Redemption Song" (a dobro-laced acoustic number) and "Unfriended" are both the most Blues-inspired songs I came up with. "The jig is up, my ass is out, just like empty bottles of porter and stout" sounds like the stale smell of sadness.
(Tom Waits and the ghost of Jerry Jeff helped me out with that one)
Writers Gotta Write
During the height of the Pandemic, my girlfriend and I were shut in and bored, when we came along a songwriting challenge. We were supposed to put out an albums' worth of original material in one month. we wrote enough material, but I wasn't able to complete the project in time. I had a few good reasons. One was my computer went into a coma.
I had previously used Pro Tools as a recording platform on an ancient iMac. For 20 years, I was able to make what I thought were acceptable studio recordings, and over time, I got pretty good at recording everything including drums (although I'm not a very good drummer). But the old iMac finally ran out of room to run, and O had to learn another program after two decades...
Now those 10 songs are being pieced together and sound like a kick ass Rock band.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
The Road to Reality
I play a great deal of shows in the Hartford area. When I was a teenager, I yearned for the nightlife of downtown. Never intimidated by any perceived or real dangers within the city. I've played many events in recent years, and it throws my mind off the present and into the past every time.
Monday, November 14, 2022
Truck On!
Played a fun club gig down in Central Connecticut a few weeks ago,
It's called the Truck Bar.
They brought the goods.
Monday, October 31, 2022
The Workers Playground
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Out of the Fog
I went for a few walks during the afternoon. Clouds have been hanging low, and were clipping the tops of our low-lying mountains in the Valley.