I have performed New Year's Eve at the same club since I joined the Savage Brothers Band in 2017.
I pulled up just as the last sunset of 2024 was taking place. I was a litle early, so I sat in my car at watched it setting. I thought about where my life was at back when I started, and it wasn't a very happy place. My father was in failing health, I was going through a messy divorce, and had just moved back into my house after living elsewhere for several months. I was starting over at pretty much everything, but I still had my music to keep me going. My previous band was filled with stories of relationship breakups and all kinds of drama. This band is a little more stable in that department, and I was offered some encouragement and stability as I slowly found my way back. The shows have all been fun, and provide me with a sense of escape from my daily hardships.It was yet another lively event, and everyone went home happy to start the new year.